10 Best Roll20 Alternatives For Tabletop Gaming

Roll20 Alternatives For Tabletop Gaming

[su_dropcap style=”flat”]R[/su_dropcap]oll20 Alternatives offer the same functionalities as Roll20, but we must know what they do before that.


Shall we start?

Talking about Roll20, it’s a fantastic software that provides users a great way to play tabletop role-playing games online. This virtual tabletop role-playing game-like interface offers the best features for the gaming experience.

It has a set of easy-to-use digital tools, including a character builder, map tools, dynamic lighting, video and voice chat, and a powerful dice roller. Since it is powered by HTML5 technology, a user can directly play it on their web browser.

Roll20 Alternatives also offer many tabletop role-playing games that you can easily play on your Android, iOS, Window, Mac, Linux, and start through your browser.

Now we are going to share the list of sites like Roll20. Have a look!

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Best Roll20 Alternatives

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1 – MapTool

MapTool-best alternatives to Roll20

MapTool is one of the best alternatives to Roll20. One can create maps, manage games and tokens, chat with other players, and do a lot more with this open source role-playing game tool.

This interactive software supports multi-user interaction. It’s a Java application, so it runs on any operating system that can run Java, which means almost every computer. One can use it to play face to face or to play online roles in real-time.

MapTool is a full-featured virtual tabletop. It allows you to load maps into it, import custom tokens, track initiative order, and health and save campaigns.

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2 – Fantasy Grounds

Fantasy Grounds

Fantasy Grounds is a virtual tabletop program that’s designed to facilitate long-distance roleplaying games. It has the same setup as a map-based board game where you need to roll virtual dice to begin the game.

There are dice, a chatbox, a map, a combat tracker, an NPC list, character tokens up, and many features that you love to play with.

One of the huge sources of Fantasy Grounds power is automation. Attack rolls automatically add modifiers, most rolls with advantage roll two dice for you, and damage can damage resistance is automatically applied to incoming damage.

On top of that, character sheets are also provided to the users. These are used to track the progress of the user. The platform was created for D&D games.

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3 – Rolisteam

Rolisteam-sites like Roll20

Another name in the list of best Roll20 alternatives is Rolisteam. This virtual tabletop software offers many roles for sharing maps and images and comprises a tool to talk with other players.

It offers an excellent layout for easy navigation. The software manages the RPG game brilliantly and integrates music player, character sheet, drawing tools, unit converter, name generator, and various other features.

Top features that make Rolisteam a better choice are standalone multi-room server support, bookmark, shared note, PDF viewer and sharing, shortcuts viewer, web page, NPC maker panel, and much more.

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4 – Battlegrounds


This tabletop software is popular for board games, war games, card games, and dice games. Along with the various interesting features, Battlegrounds lets the user use all the tools to create a great map and action figures for their tabletop game.

One of the better features of BGE is that it is very easy to create a personal digital game conversion. The software works on the Mac operating system and also provides a program for the Windows operating system.

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5 – Beyond Tabletop

Beyond Tabletop

Beyond Tabletop is a great site like Roll20 that allows the user to enhance their RPG experience in an in-person mapping environment.

The tools let users improve their in-game gaming sessions with maps and sheets of clean and easy-to-use online characters.

Beyond Tabletop is a web-based service that helps users to manage multiple sheets easily. With any of the sheets, you can copy, edit, share or delete characters as needed.

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6 – Astral Tabletop

Astral Tabletop

Astral Tabletop is a software that allows you to play and host games. You can create engaging maps within minutes, and readymade templates are also available for users to interact easily.

This tool has a battle map feature, video chat, dice roller, encounter builder, etc. built-in.  Moreover, some weather effects and dynamic lighting appear to be free and potentially easier to use. It only supports web browsers with Windows and MAC.

Overall, the program provides great visual, audio effects, build interactive automation, events like dynamic doors, lightning, and objects to level up gameplay.

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7 – EpicTable

EpicTable-Roll20 alternatives list

Another name in the Roll20 alternatives list is EpicTable. This RPG tabletop game playing platform offers effective tools and allows the user to efficiently utilize every tool on the platform.

There is no hassle-networking. Just create your game and generate an invitation code that you can give to your players via email, Skype or whatever else you’re using.

Also, one can share files easily — just drag from your browser onto the tabletop!

You can play the latest indie game, your favorite OSR clone, or your own homebrew system.

It has a user-friendly interface, and the program allows you to add third-party plugins in the system.

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8 – Dungeon Painter


Dungeon Painter is famous for making RPG map designs. The set of 5 tools helps users design their map, and you can also get access to an excellent interface to interact with your dashboard in a better way.

With the help of a module, you can create lands and lake client tools to build roads and rivers, increasing and decreasing the size of world map-making, and much more.

The key features of Dungeon Painter include union and subtraction operations, sketches import, DPS early access, customizable filters, and various other options.

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9 – Mipui

Mipui-Roll20 like sites

Mipui is a tabletop map creating program that comes with an excellent interface. The interface lets you interact with the tools in a better way.

It’s a web-based service that lets you build your map using multiple tools and visual effects. The tools are available at the left corner of the screen.

Mipui is an open-source web app that offers to create, editing, viewing grid-based tools for role-playing games.

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10 – GM Forge


Our last pick is GM Forge. By using this Roll20 alternative site, you can interact with people from all over the world.

The software comes with competitive features such as Dynamic Lighting, Combat Tracker, Voice/Video chat, Custom Character Sheets, Custom Compendiums and dice, Music and Youtube video integration, Full System Builder, etc.

It also lets you combine your designs with your friends to come up with something new.

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Final Words

All the software that we have listed above is somewhat similar to Roll20. These sites like Roll20 are easily accessible and can run on various systems.